Why transition to ÀÏ°ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ in Year 5?
At ÀÏ°ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ, our Year 5 students are offered diverse possibilities for learning and develop both independent and collaborative working skills. The transition from Grange Hill to the multi-level d’Houet building allows our students to utilise the specialist spaces available to our senior students. Having the opportunity to immerse themselves in these spaces allows them to settle into the life and routine of a Gen Girl, enabling a very smooth transition into Year 7 and the ÀÏ°ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ Senior School.
Curricular Program
The ÀÏ°ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ Co-curricular Program is available to students from Years 5 to 12. Students are offered extensive opportunities across a diverse range of interest including sport, music, the arts, drama and social justice.
Leadership Opportunities
Eight leadership opportunities are available across the year at Years 5 and 6, giving many girls the chance to experience and learn from being a leader.
Music Program
Commencing in Year 5, this two year, fully funded program, gives students the opportunity to learn an instrument in a small group of two, three or four students, as well as belong to ensembles and perform alongside and be mentored by more experienced musicians.
Specialist Programs
From Year 5, our students are immersed in specialist programs including weekly lessons in Music, Drama, Science, Art, Italian or Mandarin, Physical Education and a fortnightly swimming lesson. All classes are carried out in our purpose built facilities. These classes are designed to enrich the student learning experience and engage them in thinking and creating in new ways.
Wellbeing and Support Programs
Continuing on from classes and support offered at Grange Hill, the Performance Psychology and Learning Enhancement departments work with our students, running a fortnightly GenSTAR session and helping them enjoy a positive and enriching learning environment.
Year 5/6 Sport
During Terms One, Two and Three, Year 5 and 6 students participate in a compulsory after school sport program. This gives students the opportunity to compete on a friendly basis in a variety of sports. The emphasis of the program is on teaching the relevant skills and match play aspects of each sport.